The holy light can heal the injury and remove the impurities that do not belong to human organs, but it can identify whether the respiratory tract is full of gas or seawater. If it cannot be discharged, Matildavalen will still be alive.

What trouble! Yang Long secretly scolded 1, according to the 约茶资源 idea that she wanted to throw Matilda Valen away, and turned the female warrior over in her arms and pressed her chest with one hand to try to keep the sea water out of her body.
It’s a pity that this simple first aid measure is still an extravagant hope to try several times in this ocean of ups and downs from relay. After realizing this reason, Yang Longgang was ready to release a piece of ice in the magic condensation place and felt something wrong.
Hey? How the spray is a little smaller? Doubt about it for a while, but failed. Yang Long consciously put his face on the horse and gnashed his teeth. Endless, right? !”
Breathing through perception, Yang Long can perceive that there are seven tentacles with a diameter of 20 meters on the water surface about 100 meters away, which are rapidly extending towards him. It is another attack by Naga.
I don’t want to insert my right arm into the water. Yang Long runs up. The energy of ice elements condenses into a semicircular thick ice wall at a distance of about 20 meters between the two people’s water according to his own wishes, which will stop the water from attacking.
Less than three seconds after the ice wall was formed, the octopus tentacles had already attacked the ice wall, and the huge contraction force made the ice wall unbearable and fractured, but it still resisted this attack.
The tentacle that didn’t have the attack effect was that the horse gave up the plan to attack from the water, and stabbed out of the sea one by one from the surrounding water and then swept towards Yang Long at the same time.
In this regard, Yang Long was ready to exchange the left arm bend Matildavalen for the right arm, and then went straight to the top of his head and grabbed a fireball the size of a fist, which expanded with the influence of the heavy rain.
It was in just one second that the fireball expanded into a sphere with a diameter of 10 meters, and the hot temperature spread everywhere, which made the caster Yang Long feel unbearable
Mathilda Valen, not to mention the fact that Yang Long was distracted and released a cold fog to protect him from being burned.
Shua shua shua.
The tentacles gathered around seem to be very afraid of this fireball, and they have already stabbed and moved. A pair of people who want to avoid but don’t give up want to attack but dare not posture is surrounded by two people in Yang Long.
And Yang Long was not prepared to be polite. When the fireball expanded to a diameter of 25 meters, he kept arguing that his left hand stood upright in the sky and gently flipped his wrist, making a fierce grip and gently read out a word Flame explosion!
The huge fireball immediately gave a muffled sound, but the horse didn’t fall apart. Instead, it slowly turned, accelerated to a fast speed in just a few seconds, and threw a big flame around with the rotation.
A large piece of water vapor rises, and most of the thrown flames are attached to the surrounding tentacles, which will keep convulsing with a strong fishy smell and emit a faint smell of meat.
The seven barbecued tentacles, like being drained of strength, are no longer flexible and soft and sink to the bottom of the sea.
Vaguely growling can be seen from a place I don’t know how far away. There is already a big guy who feels the pain in this attack in Yang Long, which makes Yang Long’s face sneer and his heart sink.
After all, it won’t be World War I, so what will happen to you? Yang Long’s mind was secretly thinking about the development of perception to the maximum, paying close attention to the surrounding situation and secretly wondering, Can you see your subject?
Although this unpaved giant octopus monster is estimated to have reached a very terrible size, it also makes the old butcher feel that the pressure ratio is huge, but it does not bring a fatal threat to Yang Long
This means that the Warcraft body combat effectiveness has not yet reached the level of the fifteenth order strong because it has a huge size advantage.
No.446 oil runs out and lamp dries up
If it weren’t for the lone threeseason rice or the hunter second leader level, Yang Longgen wouldn’t feel the strength of the other side, and the strong old butcher would never do nothing.
If it weren’t for the unfavorable environment, Yang Long would have taken the lead in attacking or fighting and retreating to find opportunities
After the surrounding tentacles were defeated, the vision of the old butcher returned to normal, and it was found that several ships in the distance were still fighting fiercely. There was not even a Naga in the sea near the old butcher.
This situation reveals a lot of information, which makes Yang Long feel more and more stressed. Take this rare opportunity to take out a set of breastplate from the ring for the female warrior who is in a coma to wear.
If I fight for a while, I won’t care about you. Yang Long looked at Mathilda Valen’s heart full of pity and thought, Maybe this is the only thing that can make me quickly ascend to magic and so die.
Suddenly turning up a large wave of water interrupted Yang Long’s thinking in his heart, which made him pay attention to it all around, and the horse felt another huge tentacle coming from the depths of Fang Haiyang on the right.
It’s a bit monotonous to do this again! Although the mouth complains about the giant Warcraft attack, Yang Long’s heart is loose
The tentacles from the attack are very huge, just like the one that smashed the ship with one blow. However, Yang Longyuan’s highly nervous mind is relaxed. Many hands hold Matilda Valen in their arms and wait for the other side to attack.
If she is crushed by such a heavy object on land, let alone a protected female warrior, even Yang Long may not be lucky, but if she is in the sea, the result will be very different.
It’s like attacking an ant from an iron bar view in a pond. The result is predestined.
The huge tentacles are still a few hundred meters away, and the cold current that has been squeezed out has already rushed to the sea around Yang Long, wrapped with hundreds of meters of seawater in Fiona Fang, forming a huge wave that gradually swells and rushes toward the distant darkness.
Yang Long, at the top of the wave, is like sitting on a highspeed maglev train, moving with the wave, and passing the kilometer distance in just a few seconds.
Ha ha! What a stupid beast! The old butcher laughed wildly and adjusted his figure so that he and the female warrior remained at sea level all the time, and fell into more than 2,000 meters of offshore water with the waves flying down.
At this time, the giant tentacles finally lifted the landing point, swept out of the sea and lifted obliquely to the high.
With the repulsion of seawater, Yang Long and Matildavalen were pushed and wrapped involuntarily and drifted rapidly in a certain direction for 100 meters again, but their roots did not cause substantial damage except for a little shock.
As if I felt the attack effect, I raised a huge tentacle in the sky and paused for a moment. After that, the attack speed in the ocean went straight to the sea.
At that time, Yang Long felt that the rain flashing overhead was blocked, and the old butcher felt a little uncomfortable than the liquid falling from the surface of the huge tentacles.
Hum! Will you attack! It is full of anger. Yang Long’s horse’s eye still holds out his left hand toward the top of his head and presses the meat mountain ridge to knead his left hand. The black pattern flashes and a large fiery flame comes face to face.
At the same time, Yang Long’s right arm also oozed a large amount of cold fog and a square semicircular ice cover to form a large ice hockey with a diameter of 20 meters, which was built by an ice wall to firmly protect himself and Matildavalen.
The hightemperature flame prevents the huge sucker from being attached to the surface of the tentacles, making it sizzling. A large stream of yellowwhite liquid, which doesn’t know whether it is melting grease or tissue fluid, splashes out with the burning.
I don’t know how far away, another huge roar and huge tentacles came. At least thirteen or four suckers were burned, which obviously caused some damage to the giant octopus Warcraft and made it even more angry.
However, the effect of this attack is still to curb the tentacles offensive, twist and spasm, and the huge meat strips are so straight towards Yang Long, hitting the sea level.

After waiting for a few minutes in the reception area, the high-heeled shoes sounded.

Two visitors from Miss Qin said they wanted to see you.
Chang Huan Yan got up and finished her a lot with a few eyes.
White chiffon shirt, black trousers, short hair, exquisite makeup and full of neat and capable women in the workplace.
You are the breeze? Chang Huan Yan asked
The breeze nodded and glanced at the two men. Who are you?
Hello, I’m Chang Huanyan from Duman magazine. This is my husband.
….. The wind is kind face hung up to often smile? Why didn’t Qiao Jinyu come to me? Sorry to come?
Chang Huanyan didn’t cut to the chase with her and said, I just want to talk to Miss Qin about that article today …
I also want to talk to you about what I write articles will be published in the special issue of the Spring Festival? Can you give me a reasonable explanation? The breeze directly interrupt her words.
She often smiles with a 桑拿网 bad attitude and is too lazy to mention it again. She retorted immediately and said, This is what I want to ask you. What will you take away when Jin Yu writes an article? I believe you know whether you wrote this article or not.
Yo, what do you mean by threatening me? The breeze immediately raised the volume.
Miss Qin, we are all colleagues. We should know that there is a so-called style of writing. I have read the articles you wrote before, but it is not this style. You and Jin Yu are good at different fields.
Since you are also an editor, you should know that everyone is earning a living. Sometimes it is not impossible for the market or the boss to change the style of writing. Qingfeng immediately retorted, And I don’t know that Qiao Jinyu. I am the biggest victim. She resigned from the magazine even if she doesn’t want to apologize. Can’t she say that she has a guilty conscience? But isn’t it a bit inappropriate for you, Miss Chang, to run over to your friends with such credentials?
Chang Huan Yan didn’t expect this breeze to be so difficult. In the long run, she would almost be unable to suppress her temper.
Fortunately, Yu Yu held her hand and said, Calm down first.
Chang Huanyan took a deep breath and said, Jin Yu resigned because she didn’t want to be wronged. I can trust her, and you can be sure that it is …
Words haven’t say that finish behind suddenly came a strange man voice Mr Yu? Is it Mr. Yu?
The three men looked back and saw a man with a briefcase, holding glasses in his hand and looking at this side unblinkingly.
Mr. Wu got up and shouted.
The man named Mr. Wu immediately opened his eyes and said, Oh, it’s really Mr. Yu. Hello.
Chang Huanyan …
An hour later, Chang Huanyan and Yu Yu left Star magazine.
Chang Huan-yan immediately hugged Yu Yu’s arm and shouted like a fan, My husband is really right to take you today!
I didn’t expect the general manager of Star magazine to know Yu Yu. After hearing about them, he didn’t say he believed them, but promised to investigate the matter again.
Not only that, but he also told them a very important clue that Bai Jinlan was the editor-in-chief of Star two years ago and Wei Yang dug up Du Man, and the breeze was very good with her, so it can be said that Bai Jinlan brought her up in one hand.
That is to say, if it is really determined that the breeze plagiarized, the middleman is probably Bai Jinlan.
But I still don’t understand why Bai Gujing wants to do this, which is not good for her roots! Chang Huan Yan thinks impassability and thinks that Bai Gujing can’t be stupid enough to do such a beggar-thy-neighbour thing.
Yu Yu smiled and said, There is a whipping boy as possible.
What do you mean? Chang Huan Yan felt a little … creepy when her back was cold.
When the ladder reached the depression, he said lightly, Just go to the company in the afternoon and do as I say.
Chang Huanyan …
After lunch, Chang Huanyan called everyone in Group A and told them that Qiao Jinyu had a very important clue and that they would come to the company in the afternoon.
Then she called Bai Jinlan again.
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Editor-in-chief, is your company this afternoon?
noon? Bai Jinlan asked, What’s the matter?
Chang Huan Yan graciously said it’s a work matter
… The words were quiet for a while and then Bai Jinlan agreed, I will have it after two o’clock in the afternoon, and I will go to the company then.
Ok, thank you, editor-in-chief
After hanging up, she found the address book and dialed another number, Manager Wei, I’m sorry to bother you, but there’s one thing I have to trouble you with.
Chang Huanyan came to the magazine at two o’clock in the afternoon.
It’s not Thursday today. It’s reasonable to say that the editor doesn’t need to come to work in the company, but I don’t know if anyone leaked the news in the huge office area, and even the group B was absent
Chang Huan Yan took one look at the crowd and forget it.
Sister Yan Xiao Ran came over first. You said you had an important clue to tell us what it was?
Chang Huan Yan smiled and said, You will know later.
Oh little dye darling nodded.
After a while, Bai Jinlan finally arrived. It seemed a little surprised to look at the group A and say, Why are you all?
Chang Huanyan smiled at her with a gentle smile. Because of this matter, many people called them all over.
Well, Bai Jinlan nodded. Well, since everyone is here, let’s talk about it.
The editor-in-chief may have to wait a while, Chang Huanyan said.
Bai Jinlan looked at her puzzled and she nodded good for a moment.
They quickly moved to the big conference room.
Because there is no one to talk, the atmosphere seems tense and weird.

For a long time, his eyes turned and looked at Li Fu’s leaving direction not far away. He didn’t say anything and turned and left directly into it.

Unexpectedly, it was abnormal and rude not to talk to her!
Jiang Shier one leng puzzling how did she feel just Li Zhiyuan see her line of sight is not elegant at ordinary times, so it is a bit chilly to see her heart sink a spine and a cold.
She opened her mouth and saw that Li Zhiyuan had already entered.
You’re not angry, are you?
After all, she is his fiancee now. Even though he knows that she likes Li Fu, now they are engaged. If you go to see another man, you will feel sympathetic.
Hesitated a she also went in.
As soon as I entered, I saw Li Zhiyuan talking to Liu Mingsheng. She walked slowly up.
Liu Mingsheng eagleeyed saw her way yo! Little Shier also came to see Li Laoda propose.
She nodded and felt that when Liu Mingsheng arrived in Li Fu, Li Zhiyuan glanced at her side and could not see the mood with dark eyes.
Liu Mingsheng didn’t see anything. He smiled and reached out and touched Li Zhiyuan’s arm. Yeah, brothers envy you. Your fiancee is beautiful. When they just got engaged, how can I see you bored together all day?
Smell speech Jiang Shier little face some hot.
She and Li Zhiyuan are bored together all day?
perhaps not
Li Zhiyuan talks less. Two people just get along together, and it’s mostly what she says. He occasionally picks up a sentence or two.
Generally, both of them have important occasions or unmarried couples just need to make an appointment from time to time.
Isn’t this supposed to be?
On weekdays, most of them are also Li Zhiyuan asking her out, and Li Zhiyuan has never done anything beyond the bounds, so they will not feel very shuffle when couples spend time together.
Yo Shier’s sister is red in the face. Yeah, tell me if you are obsessed with this little fan. I’ll tell you, Li Zhiyuan doesn’t talk much, but don’t forget that he is a Li family.
Liu Mingsheng’s words are general
Feel a side 桑拿 Li Zhiyuan chilly look up.
He smiled gently and walked to Jiang Shier’s side.
Seeing that Jiang Shier was still waiting for him, he deliberately leaned close to Jiang Shier and put it in her ear.
Li Zhiyuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, although still expressive, but Liu Mingsheng just can feel Li Zhiyuan’s little look at his line of sight, which is somewhat meaningful.
He pulled the corners of his mouth as if he didn’t notice that there were two people in general Jiang Shier’s ear who could hear the sound mysteriously and whispered, He is Li’s family. Look at Li’s boss man show. Li Zhiyuan’s man show is definitely better than Li Fu’s, but they don’t come out of Li’s family. They are all bigtailed Wolf Shier sisters. You should be careful around him. When will this little finger lead you into the pit? You can’t spoil him together. You should take the lead. This is brother’s advice.
He finished and glanced at Li Zhiyuan not far away. He already felt that this small line of sight seemed to kill people.
He suddenly turned to Jiang Shier at the corner of his mouth and saw that she was still shy, as if she had listened to everything he said.
Jiang Shier is a wellknown celebrity in Jiangcheng. Everyone is thinskinned on weekdays. She used to like Li Fu. At best, she just wandered around him so as not to be like other women. When she heard these words, she felt that her face was getting hotter and hotter, and some of her makeup could not cover up.
Liu Mingsheng said and glanced at the nearby Li Zhiyuan with an eyebrow and turned to play around and left.
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Li Zhiyuan frowned slightly.
Especially when I glance at Jiang Shier’s little red face, I frown a little tighter.
What did he say to you? Li Zhiyuan moment not instantaneous looked at her and asked

But his handsome face suddenly changed the corners of his mouth. While waving his hand and splitting a small face, he patted Jinxue’s ass. Don’t make a horse and go. He said that he moved to speed up his shoulder with one hand. She alternately kicked out the serial legs with one hand and ups and downs, but it was only a few tens of seconds before he lay down for seven.

Clap your hands and make a big step forward. They looked at him like stars. Handsome … A woman was the first to shout out, So handsome. Do you want to take my sister with me?
Section 251
A handsome man and a handsome woman would rather be upside down than willing to.
Go away. Who is my boss? Don’t inquire about Cheng Ge’s name and dare to talk to him about it. It’s really ambitious to swallow the leopard’s bravery. Behind him, one hand held his head high and finished a winner’s posture. The boss proved to be the boss. It’s cool not to say it.
win a convincing
A few people surrounded Cheng Qingyang and walked toward the outside. Those small people who fell to the ground wanted to move reinforcements, but as soon as they heard the name of elder brother, they were blindsided and no one dared to chase it again. This life was already very good. They actually called Cheng Ge and wanted to become a woman. This is a deadly rhythm.
But wait, didn’t you say that I was not close to women?
What suddenly fell in love with this woman?
It seems that that woman is not only stunning, but also an object. Otherwise, can she impress a woman who doesn’t like it?
In this way, it is also forgivable for them to be tempted. A few people are screaming and screaming, and there is no arrogance before.
Here Cheng Qingyang strode to his car after the night in Paris.
The night wind blows with the unique fishy smell of the seaside. Jinxue knows that a person who is excited is awake again. Is it conscious or in the middle of chaos? She can’t see who is carrying her, and the strong uneasiness makes her bite again.
This bite is impartial, and it is biting the position once.
The two tooth marks overlap one place.
Let go, you let me go.
Cheng Qingyang’s lip corner took a step, which was unexpected, but one strode forward.
Open the door and then throw JinXueXi back seat before he goes. Her little hand caught her. Who are you? I don’t want your car. Get out of here. I don’t like you and I don’t know you.
That’s exactly what the former punk said.
The little hand beat him and suddenly fell to the position where she had bitten him before.
Cheng Qingyang’s lip angle once again took a big hand and shook it with a fierce grip. He looked at her little face with a restless hand and thought for a moment. He bowed his head and tore open the shirt button and immediately revealed a large texture in his chest.
Red tooth marks. She just bit his chest twice. Tuting Does Jin Xuexi miss it? Do you want to bite him so accurately? Makes him wonder if she is really drunk.
Huh? Squinting his eyes and looking up as Qingyang, What do you want? Jin Xuexi’s eyes are getting narrower and narrower. She feels dizzy. Why is this man so like Cheng Qingyang in front of her? It’s too much like a small hand. She falls on the 养生会所 man’s face in front of her. Did I dream again? She also put a finger in her mouth and bit it, which was particularly provocative. If she hadn’t covered herself with alcohol and added Qingyang to know her too well, she must have deliberately hooked him.
Don’t bite … He opened his mouth to stop her.
Ah … well, it really hurts. Am I not dreaming? Jinxue blinked and tried to see the man opposite, but at this moment, there was something rushing in his stomach …
So neither of them in Cheng Qingyang’s limousine foresaw that something had happened.
Boom a stream of alcohol on my face, specifically, liquid containing alcohol on my face towards Cheng Qingyang. He was about to hide from her little hand, but he grasped his hand consciously because of his stomach discomfort. Brush A liquid sprayed Cheng Qingyang’s face and slowly dripped along his cold face …
Chapter 33 Reluctance
Night is quiet
Neons in the distance and nearby give Jinxue a psychedelic feeling.
I vomited in my stomach and felt better, but I felt light after being drunk.
That wine is too strong for her to drink before.
First, she looked at the man opposite, but he didn’t move, like a statue.
Did Lan Jingyi give her a green wax figure?
Is this possible?
Otherwise, he wouldn’t be motionless
Stretched out his hand and touched his face. It was wet and smelled bad, which made her frown. She leaned back and leaned right against the chair.
Very soft and comfortable
She is sleepy and wants to sleep.
After watching him for a while, I saw that he still didn’t move. She narrowed her eyes slightly and gently closed her eyes, accompanied by a smile on her lips. Qingyang continues to stay in my dream. With her eyes closed, Jinxue learned that it was like a dream, and her little hand became green and touched her face, naturally as if touching a toy she liked.
she falls asleep
When you breathe lightly, you will feel that Jin Xuexi is really a wonderful flower, so you can fall asleep when you are sticky?
But then he knew that she was really drunk.
In the end, he didn’t pay attention to the filth on his face. He threw off his coat when he thought of being spat by others. He couldn’t help smiling bitterly all night. What did he do and was attacked one after another?
Stretching out his hand, Jin Xuexi posed in a more comfortable posture, then found a paper towel and simply wiped two people’s wet liquids. Then he got out of the car, turned to the driver’s seat, started the car and looked through the rearview mirror. Jin Xuexi was already asleep.
A little face is flushed, which limits her to drink too much.
Ten minutes’ drive, Jin Xuexi has been sleeping again.
The car stopped and she still showed no signs of waking up.
Cheng Qingyang looked up at the hotel outside the car and then looked back at Jinxue. She slept soundly, but it’s better to sleep comfortably than to sleep comfortably in a bed.
Eventually Cheng Qingyang got out of the car, picked up Jinxue and strode into the hotel.
Mr. Bid? The bartender is very cooperative. I don’t ask directly how many it is. Although two people, a man and a woman, are not necessarily husband and wife, it can be seen that two people are different when looking at this man holding a woman’s posture.
Presidential Suite seems to be the first time to take a woman to open that room. At this moment, Cheng Qingyang didn’t think about anything. He just ordered the presidential suite for comfort, but it was a little small color in the eyes of others
Men and women are going to be alone in a room, but there will be a big event in such a good room, but the staff is also condescending in their hearts, and they dare not say it. The man’s expression in this room is too serious and cold
A man and a woman entered the ladder.
Suddenly, a man outside the hotel played with his dog’s leg, and he took the photo first. It was really good to count it again. If he wasn’t too familiar with Cheng Qingyang, he would definitely be followed by Cheng Qingyang. His eyes have nothing to follow. He can’t follow up the hotel room to capture two pictures that are not suitable for children. That would be hacked to death by the boss.
Take these photos as soon as you are ready, and then send them to grandpa four. Yeah, the other end is waiting.
Jiang Junyue stopped the car, bypassed the car and took Lan Jingyi’s hand. She wanted to earn, but she couldn’t. His eyes swept around like cheetahs, and then she flashed into the inpatient department of the hospital. The whole move was done in one go without a pause.
Yu Lanjing’s Ian problem is now sloppy.
Hall on the first floor of inpatient department
Jiang Junyue is pulling her to go to Lanjingyi, but she says I want to buy flowers
Ok … OK … Jiang Junyue pulled a long ending. Although he didn’t want to think about whether Ji Weiyan blocked the shot for Lan Jingyi, it would be too narrowminded if he was a man or a woman.
Lan Jingyi happily walked into the small supermarket on the first floor I want to buy flowers
What kind of flowers does Miss want?
Lan Jingyi pointed to a bunch of lilies and said, Just lilies. White lilies look refreshing and comfortable.
I don’t want Jiang Junyue to directly stop packing lily for her and point to another flower We want this
You … Lan Jingyi language, does he want to be so annoying that he actually wants her to send Ji Weiyan carnations? This is Ji Weiyan as an aunt. She ordered Bai Baihe, not for Ji Weiyan’s soul mate, just to feel fresh and beautiful. I don’t want Jiang Junyue to be jealous of this goods again.
Don’t even save money, said Jiang Junyue, pulling her away.

Han Dongyu pinched the card in his pocket until now. Look at the things here. I don’t know what good news will suddenly hate Zhou Chuhan’s sudden return to his place of residence. The answer is this card.

It seems that today is the time to look at the answer.
Han Dongyu didn’t go back to the apartment tonight because he knew that it was unnecessary for him to go back today, and Xiaobei wouldn’t go back today because he didn’t dare to go back. It seems that he should give Shao Jun a message to wake up. I don’t know if he will benefit the opportunity and Xiaobei to go further tonight.
296 such a mother
Han Dongyu came home, and his mother washed the dishes just after dinner.
Jassamyn Liu looked at the handsome Junba and asked, Did you eat dinner?
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Han Dongyu replied didn’t eat
Jassamyn Liu complained, I didn’t come back earlier if I didn’t eat, or I made a message to inform your father that I had just finished eating and I knew I would wait for you for a while.
Han Dongyu walked to his room and said, I have long said that you can’t wait until I have dinner.
Jassamyn Liu wiped her hands on her apron and followed Han Dongyu to the room. Dongyu, I don’t think it’s necessary to do something. I’m tired every day. I haven’t been on call for a Sunday holiday or I’m on a business trip. It’s hard for your dad and I to see you, let alone sometimes find a girlfriend.
Han Dongyu sighed and turned back to his mother and said, Mom, I knew you came in with me. That is to say, when I am willing to do this thankless job? Is not grandpa forced you if you can convince grandpa don’t let me do that I am happy to find a sinecure to drink some tea and read a newspaper every day.
Jassamyn Liu to turn over a supercilious look dongyu, I didn’t know you knew you were scaring me with your grandpa. You moved out of your dad to scare me.
Han Dongyu wanted to laugh. My dad was scared by you. Why did I move out of my dad? Well, mom, I know for sure that I won’t neglect to find you a daughterinlaw.
Jassamyn Liu stretched out his hand and poked Han Dongyu’s head. This sentence is like something. Come on, I still like the good news you brought home.
Han Dongyu language is mom, I didn’t say it? Good news is my sister now, and we have not continued to develop.
Jassamyn Liu was curious and leaned forward. Dongyu’s mother asked you several times and you didn’t tell her what you and Jiayin didn’t continue to develop. With your conditions, people’s appearance and Jiayin’s kindness and cleverness, why didn’t you develop?
Han Dongyu casually said, Because of my age, I am nine years older than Jiayin and have no common language.
Jassamyn Liu scratched his head ? Because of this, but don’t little girls like uncles now? Nine years short. Why? Your grandfather is nineteen years older than your grandmother. Don’t you see that their generation is fine?
Han Dongyu push mother mom grandpa and grandma that is what age? That’s an arranged marriage. Grandma married Grandpa at the age of twelve. It’s illegal for you to let me marry twelve now. Okay, okay, mom, I’m hungry. Cook noodles for me.
Jassamyn Liu was directly pushed out of the room. What else do you want to say?
Smelly little who let you marry twelve you now is to marry me back to a 2023242 …
Reading the newspaper on the sofa, Han Yuanchao suddenly said, Fortytwo can’t do it.
Jassamyn Liu came to stare at his wife. I’m not finished with what you’re adding. I want to say that it’s fortytwo, but it’s not good to have children.
Han Yuanchao got up and went to the bedroom and didn’t forget to say, Didn’t you cook noodles when you were hungry? You will stare at me.
Jassamyn Liu suppressed a smile and went to the kitchen to burn the water to the pot. Han Dongyu’s bedroom door suddenly opened.
Jassamyn Liu turned to look busy and chased him out. Dongyu, where are you going with your coat?
Mom, I’m going out. Han Dongyu strode to the Xuan to wear shoes.
It’s good to eat and then walk for a while, said Jassamyn Liu, chasing her ass
Mom saved it for me and I’ll eat it when I come back.
You can still eat it when you come back.
But no matter what Jassamyn Liu said, Han Dongyu hurried away. Because Han Dongyu saw what was in the card, he couldn’t believe that the good news would say such two things after being hypnotized by Qin An. No wonder Qin An woke up with good news before. She forgot that it was two bad things. It is no wonder that the good news would suddenly have a high fever. It is estimated that it is unacceptable that this result is the main reason.
Han Dongyu is going to find Jiayin at once to ask what happened in the small hotel, but it will be embarrassing to think that Jiayin is a girl’s house after all, so he will ask directly. Han Dongyu will also call Zhou Chuhan to ask what the Eden bag is about, but 桑拿 think about Zhou Chuhan, who is not a promiscuous lover. He usually keeps a low profile and doesn’t like going to public places, let alone going to bars to find women directly. Even if he is looking for women, he will go to fivestar hotels.
No, maybe there’s something wrong with it.
Han Dongyu’s car turned a corner and suddenly stopped at the side of the road. He wanted to think about it and made a message to his assistant. Xiao Wu, please help me check whether there is Zhou Chuhan’s name on the afternoon flight from H City to Germany on March 23rd.
There should be a time when Xiao Wu called Han Dongyu. Han Mi found the name of Zhou Chuhan and assistant Ding Jun in the list of flights from H city to Germany at five o’clock in the afternoon on March 23rd.
Han Dongyu frowned. Then when will they return?
Xiao Wu replied, It’s two days later.
Know Han Dongyu hung up and confirmed that Zhou Chuhan was indeed on a business trip in those two days. Who would Zhou Chuhan be in the Eden Bar?
Han Dongyu wanted to think about driving to Eden Bar.
Eden is a famous nightlife place in H city, and the atmosphere is good.
As soon as Han Dongyu arrived here, his appearance was extraordinary, his facial features were exquisite and his figure was handsome, which naturally attracted the attention of many women.
Han Dongyu’s clothes came to disappear. The guest went to a dark corner sofa and sat down for a bottle of red wine.
It is his first time to come to this place, which means to observe the situation first and then see how to find some clues here. But as soon as he sat here, a woman came over with a glass of red wine twisted around her waist. The woman looks good, and her delicate makeup and red lips look particularly sexy. This gentleman is alone and won’t accompany you for a drink.
No Han Dongyu refused directly without looking at a woman, and the sound seemed to come from the soles of her feet without any human feelings.
The woman suddenly felt that she didn’t have a cold face and lifted her ass.
No one bothers himself. Han Dongyu stretches himself on the sofa, listening to soothing music, but his eyes are watching here like falcons. Everything is that there is a table of guests looking at young girls who are all seventeen. It’s really not as annoying as a bunch of sparrows.
297 Han Dongyu was strongly kissed.
Han Dongyu shook his head. It’s getting too much for a child to learn what to drink in a place like this at an early age.
Turn around and look at the two corridors behind the bar. There is a waiter outside each corridor. According to the good news, when I was hypnotized, it should be the first corridor. There is a male waiter in his early twenties with yellow and red hair outside the third bag. I really don’t know what the color is like.
Han Dongyu was watching the waiter see God when suddenly a person jumped in front of him, and then Han Dongyu didn’t react. What happened? His cheeks were wet and a soft touch was on the verge.
What’s going on
Han Dongyu consciousness reached out and pushed a soft body and was immediately pushed to the ground.
Han Dongyu looked intently at it. It was just one of the sparrows, that is, an adult student with a neat ear and a silver hairpin. The facial features are quite pure. How dare a girl boldly take the initiative to kiss herself!
Han Dongyu was about to get angry, but the girl panicked and got up with a loud gurgling. She went into a group of sparrows and covered her face while drilling. I finished the big adventure. I don’t want to play. I want to go home.
Section 22
That group of sparrows laughed and booed, No, the big adventure didn’t finish drinking.
The girl seems to be very wronged. I kissed it.
No, we said we were close, but you were pushed down before you got close. The companion clamored to let the girl drink.

Su Yuning shrugged his shoulders. I don’t like that kind of social occasion. If Mrs. Qiu likes her, just go!

Su Yu setting I’m really you! How long has this dinner passed! Chienhoon is a dragon. Why don’t you just come here and paint with 夜生活网 Qingqing? ! How dare the dinner party not be held at your house! Aren’t you curious where Chiunhoon went? Aren’t you worried that Chiunhoon stood you up? Let you go face to face with those wolves, tigers and leopards? Mu Chen raised his hand and rolled his handsome and elegant bangs. Sitting opposite Su Yu Ning, he earnestly expressed his feelings for Su Yu Ning Xiao.
Qian Xun should always appear when there is nothing to worry about? Gan Suyang took a white look at Mu Chen and motioned for him to stop.
Aye, I said you are a bunch of immortals! Especially you! Su Yuning! Mu Chen was discouraged and fell down. The fingertips of the sofa crossed the tip of Gan Suyang’s nose and stopped Su Yu’s coagulation. And he was the only one worried about this matter!
Chapter four hundred and seventysix She won’t move and I won’t move.
The words sound just fell and Li Qianxun opened the door. He was dressed in a dark gray Italian highdefinition suit. He was slender and tall, meticulous and cold, and his face was beautiful. He had a kind of eyeopening and noble temperament. He was holding a pink doughnut box in his hand and two drinks in the other hand, holding a bunch of pink roses, which was a little contrary and cute.
Aye, Qian Xun, you are here! How difficult it is to meet you now than to meet the Jade Emperor! Roses, you can’t believe you bought this! Muchen rolled over and sat up to play around and looked at Li Qianxun. Where have you been? I remember this brand of donuts is only available in the southern suburbs!
Qingqing was greedy for doughnuts, so I drove to buy them. Li Qianxun raised his eyebrows with indifference.
To buy doughnuts … Muchen with a black line and a face of sorrow, misfortune and anger, I was so angry that I was so angry. This is no time for you and your wife! How do you want to worry me to death!
Is ah qian xun you hurriedly tell Chen about it! I am bored to death by him! Gansuyang frowned.
Li Qianxun glanced at Mu Chen faintly. Even if I want to talk, I have to put things away first!
I’m really impressed by Mr. Li who is willing to lose the bet! I like the romantic life in my left hand and my right hand. Su Yuning took the rose from Li Qianxun’s hand and sniffed it at the tip of her nose. She picked a bud to be put from the beginning, removed a hairpin and raised her hand to treat Li Qianxun’s chest pocket as a corsage. It’s so beautiful!
Qingqing skipped over the doughnut and opened the coffee table. I couldn’t wait to pick up a piece.
All right, Chienhoon’s treat. Do you want to eat doughnuts? Satisfied with looking at yourself, Jie is not bad. Su Yu Ning turned around and took Li Qianxun’s tribute tea. He bent down and picked up a doughnut and took a bite. It was not bad to push the box to Gan Suyang and Muchen.
Gan Suyang twisted a piece with his body propped up. Just when he put it in his mouth, he saw Li Qianxun’s warning eyes throw over and shake. If he forgot to swallow it, he never dared to reach for the doughnut in the box again. Only then was he satisfied and withdrew his eyes. Gan Suyang wiped it. There was a narrow squeak in a cold sweat!
Qingqing also threw a brush with joy, sipped his mouth and chewed doughnuts with satisfaction.
Su Yuning took a cup of tribute tea and took a sip of it. It tastes good, Mu Chen. Would you like a cup?
I don’t drink! Hey, Yu Ning Chienhoon, what exactly are you going to do with Qiu Lingjun? Say something! I can help you! Muchen didn’t even look at Su Yu coagulation and handed me the tribute tea, which was about to jump!
Don’t drink? Great! Then give it to Qian Xun! Su Yu coagulation naughty hook hook lip Angle will be inserted into the straw.
Li Qianxun took Su Yu coagulation and handed it to the tribute tea. The whiteskinned joints buckled Su Yu coagulation and left the figure with a jerk. Su Yu coagulation’s slender waist was forced to cling to Li Qianxun’s arms. You are in a hurry.
HumI’m in a hurryMuchen disdained to put his arms around his shoulders.
But someone is more anxious than you. Li Qianxun’s knifeshaped eyebrows are raised and his long and narrow eyes are full of Lingguang.
Have you inquired? Qiu Lingjun tried to cover up her anxiety by choking with smoke. Mona twisted out her fingertips. The ashtray was full of cigarette butts. Before Mona came, she was in no mood. The crowd made a false pretense and wanted to know what went wrong as soon as possible.
Mona carefully narrowed her eyes and looked at Qiu Ling Jun. I didn’t expect the tables to turn so quickly. She still had a place where she needed it. A sneer spilled from Mona’s lips. I just asked! The secret daughter said that the deputy mayor and the procuratorgeneral received your invitation message.
What? In my name? Qiu Lingjun’s heart was shocked and quickly calmed down, and her eyes were dangerous. She cast a glance at Lou Su Yuning’s closed door and sneered, It’s Su Yuning!
It looks likeit’s her who’s up to her! Mona lifted her eyelids, curled her eyelashes and cast a shadow. Did she look at the front hall and left her pie mouth? Eh, this dinner has already started for more than ten minutes, right? Why hasn’t Su Yuning appeared yet?
Hum her this is waiting for me? Don’t you see? Autumn ling jun fundus float a mockery.
Wait for us? Mona looked at Qiu Lingjun hesitantly.
Qiu Lingjun disdained to look at Mona’s face, and a cold mountain flashed in her eyes. I don’t move her, but Su Yuning is quite stable!
What do you mean? Mona looked up and asked
It means that your roots are not Su Yu’s opponents. Her sophistication is not proportional to her age. I remember that Su Yu is one year younger than you! Why don’t you have any brains from her? Qiu Ling Jun looked at Mona with a keen eye.
Mona pursed her lips and left angrily.
Soon it was nine o’clock, and Qingqing’s family happiness was completed.
The tall one is the new daddy, and next to it is Mommy. The new daddy and Mommy are holding my hand, and the three of us are playing happily on the grass. Qingqing is holding a picture and telling Su Yuning seriously.
Su Yu coagulation will qingqing stop arms stretched out his hand to her with a plait while judging her painting what we laugh at? Have you seen the new daddy smile? How can he smile so beautifully? Stole a look at Li Qianxun Su Yu coagulation vomit a way
New daddy smiles so beautifully every time he peeks at mommy! Qingqing nifty blinked.
… One room is quiet.
Gan Suyang silently turned his head to admire the wall painting. Whose name is this again?
Muchen squatted down with his shoelaces and pretended not to.
Suddenly Li Qianxun’s mobile phone began to ring, which was as elegant as Su Yuning’s mobile phone bell. Piano and Qingqing laughed. When did he ring this bell? Why didn’t he know?
Su Yu coagulation suspicious look at Li Qianxun Li Qianxun fake didn’t see Su Yu coagulation coming to pick up the words and walked to the window, followed by Gan Suyang and Muchen’s mobile phones began to ring wildly, and the urgent posture seemed to be what’s the big thing.
Su Yu coagulation eyebrow smiled and carefully put Qingqing in her arms. Two people put the painted pictures in the desk drawer and deliberately avoided the three of them, leaving them enough to handle private affairs.
After Li Qianxun hung up the phone, Su Yu’s cell phone finally rang. He glanced at the housekeeper’s words. Su Yu smiled and asked Li Qianxun that no servant came to take the initiative to knock on their door today, which made it the only way for them not to appear.
I didn’t pick up Su Yuning’s hand, pressed the phone directly and lifted my eyes. I just saw that I had hung up. Three people smiled and waved their mobile phones to send an invitation. I’m going to meet my uncle and aunt at the door of Lizhai. Which one of you is going?

In florentino’s view, it is obviously much less difficult for Figo to take Lei Dongduo from Florence than to have a special position in Barcelona. He will take this opportunity to find Zhuang Ge to find out about the transfer of an opponent in Lei Dongduo.

God bless, I hope Florence won’t charge too much, otherwise it will be in trouble … florentino secretly prayed in his heart when he saw Zhuang Ge still didn’t answer.
As is known to all, Sans caused Real Madrid to incur a high debt of up to 2.7 billion euros in the future because of his extravagant spending. Although florentino has the means to get rid of this burden, it is very limited for him to transfer the funds of the club.
This is the case in the history of Real Madrid. Although florentino bought Figo in the first year of the world, he also introduced Makelele, Flavio Da Conceio, Silades and other reinforcements, but in order to complete these heavy acquisitions, he also sold the funds from Lei Dongduo at a high price.
Therefore, if Real Madrid spends too much money on the transfer in Lei Dongduo, florentino will not have enough funds to complete the transfer of Figo.
Maybe someone will ask, in this case, why can’t florentino choose between Figo and Lei Dongduo if he has to do both?
Of course not. You know that Lei Dongduo was the most fatuous transfer failure in the Sans period, and Figo is the iconic player in Barcelona now. It is very important for florentino to establish him at Real Madrid as soon as possible to eliminate the influence of Sans.
President Perez has to say that your meeting is really interesting and attractive. It’s over. Zhuang Ge’s first sentence made florentino smile with joy, but then Zhuang Ge gave florentino a blow. But I’m sorry I can’t promise you to introduce Lei Dongduo.
What? Florentino didn’t expect that he would get off to a bad start. He quickly said, If it’s about the price, please don’t worry too much. If I am elected as the president of Real Madrid successfully, I would like Lei Dongduo to pay 20,000 US dollars in cash and add clarence seedorf to our team. What do you think of this price?
Florentino feels that his bid for Lei Dongduo has been very impressive. Although Seedorf’s state has slipped due to frequent coaching changes in the past two seasons, according to professional media estimates, the transfer value of the Dutch front waist is still $20,000!
That is to say, Lei Dongduo florentino, who is about to turn 31, is willing to pay a total value of up to 40 million dollars! Such a move cannot but be said to be sincere.
However, for the Argentine superstar Zhuang Ge who has made up his mind to stay, florentino’s bid is obviously not within his consideration. Sorry, President Perez, this is not a question of money. For us in Florence, the attitude of Hernando (Lei Dongduo) has largely determined everything. He is used to living in Italy and does not want to leave Florence to adapt to a new environment; Moreover, Hernando’s position in the team makes us have to consider the opinions of others, otherwise it will have a serious damage to the club culture that Florence has been building!
Florentino couldn’t help being surprised when he heard Zhuang Ge’s answer. He didn’t expect Lei Dongduo to be so difficult and the other party’s attitude would be so firm.
President Perez, you are the chairman of the ACS group and have thousands of employees. I think you should have some experience about this. After seeing florentino’s stunned expression, Zhuang Ge paused to give the other party some thoughts before continuing to say, If you have been promoting club culture in the team department for a long time, then the players’ loyalty to the club and team cohesion will be greatly reduced!
Er … florentino knew that Zhuang Ge’s remarks were correct. Football club is indeed a company. Most strong teams have such a thing as corporate culture, but he didn’t expect Lei Dongduo’s position in Florence to be so important!
It seems that the matter of introducing Lei Dongduo from Florence is really hanging. After understanding this, florentino thought in his heart with some frustration.
Chapter 9 florentino (3)
It is no wonder that florentino will feel depressed. After all, this is the first time he has been involved in the transfer, and the result has just been rejected by the other side. It is naturally difficult to produce such emotions.
You know, in the commercial field in recent years, florentino can be said to be proud of his spring breeze. The ACS group led by him has successively completed the merger with Cobra, Auini, GinésNavarro and other groups and companies, which almost monopolized the entire Spanish construction industry. At the same time, florentino also set foot in the energy and communication industries, and successfully became one of only four operators with 3G mobile phone licenses in Spain this year.
It is precisely because of the prosperous career that it is difficult for florentino to get carried away, forget the painful experience of losing to Mendoza in the election five years ago and come to the second presidential election with confidence! Now, seeing that the proposal to buy Lei Dongduo was directly rejected by Zhuang Ge, florentino suddenly gave birth to a feeling that he might be in but before he could conquer, he was dead.
So frustrated, florentino decided to leave here and find a place to calm down and say, Since Chairman Corleone has made up his mind, I have nothing to say. Just leave now.
Please wait for a moment, President Perez. Seeing that florentino was going to leave his mind, Zhuang Ge suddenly said, Today is the home game of Real Madrid. Don’t you think it’s a pity that you can’t leave Real Madrid fans?
Just now, Zhuang Ge suddenly realized that his VIP box was ordered directly through Real Madrid Club, so the box number may only be known by people in the Real Madrid Department, and how did florentino know his box number when he intervened in the real Madrid Department?
An outsider can know all about the club department … Hehe, it seems that there is deep water in it. So it seems that Sans was recognized as having a great advantage in his previous life. It’s true that he lost to florentino unexpectedly in the final vote. It’s not because of the information collection and the accumulation of contacts. He is really far from the latter.
According to this inference, even if florentino doesn’t sacrifice Figo, the result of this big recruitment period is far less than that of the same period in history, Sans is likely to lose to florentino again! Therefore, Zhuang Ge felt that it was better to take this opportunity to appease an opponent. After waiting for him, Florence had another enemy in European football.
If there is one less enemy, there will be one less Florence, and there won’t be so many enemies who are hostile to it. Otherwise, it will be easy to end up like Juventus’s usually don’t accumulate virtue and push everyone over
So what do you mean, Chairman Corleone? I was just about to get up and leave florentino. When I heard Zhuang Ge say this, I couldn’t help asking a successful business tycoon. He also reacted that this was his chanceeven if Lei Dongduo couldn’t be dug up, Florence planned to sell other players this summer. It would be great if we could take this opportunity to make good friends with each other and get a few highquality resources ready to sell by the way!
After all, these members of Fiorentina’s firstteam are all firstclass assets in the eyes of other clubs, and the specific level may be slightly different, but any player without exception is enough to make a head coach drool!
I think you didn’t get tickets for this game in a hurry? Zhuang Ge asked with a smile and said only after getting a positive reply from the other side, To be honest, it’s too rough to have two people in this VIP box. Why don’t you stay here and watch the game with us and let football eliminate the shackles of our unsuccessful deal just now? What do you think of President Perez?
I didn’t expect to be seen by Chairman Corleone. It seems that I am really not calm enough this time. After hearing Zhuang Ge’s remarks, florentino’s expression also changed from cloudy to sunny. After all, the other party has given himself such a face, so don’t pretend to be a bigtailed wolf. It’s better to accept the invitation of the other party honestly. Then I will respect it and ask questions from you.
Just as florentino agreed to Zhuang Ge’s invitation, the semifinal of the Champions League has been going on for more than 30 minutes. At present, Florence is ahead of the home team Real Madrid with vieri’s goal in front of the door in the 20 th minute of the game
At this time, Florence, which is in the leading position, has basically achieved the goal of fighting against customers. With the technical advantages brought by effenberg and Lei Dongduo, the two midfield superstars, the players firmly hold the initiative on the court and blindly strive for stability. Real Madrid seems to be out of breath under the great pressure of Florence. The attack base is completed by relying on the wingers to break through, but it has obviously become an extremely difficult task for Stam and Stas to keep an eye on the middle and grab the ball from their teammates!
Zhuang Ge’s people are naturally excited that Florence can take the initiative in the game. However, florentino, who accompanied Zhuang Ge to watch the ball together in the box, obviously wouldn’t think so. The real Madrid presidential candidate was very dissatisfied with the performance of Real Madrid players on the court. If Zhuang Ge, an outsider, was not sitting in front of him, florentino had some scruples to keep a superficial demeanor as much as possible. Otherwise, the construction giant would definitely swear at the team’s cowardly performance directly in the box!
However, when he saw that Seedorf commanded Real Madrid to keep the pace of the game quite slow, even when they took the initiative to attack these white knights, they were extremely cautious. When Florence players actively fought for the roots and dared not act rashly, Perez’s expression was simply gnashing his teeth.
Mr. Perez, are you all right? I noticed that florentino’s expression, Zhuang Ge, really thinks that football is a sport that can show people’s true nature. If it were any other occasion, florentino would never show this expression. It seems that you are very dissatisfied with the current Real Madrid.
Chapter 91 florentino (4)
Of course! Florentino, who was furious at the presence of Real Madrid players, said without hesitation that he was not shy because Zhuang Ge was sitting next to him. In my imagination, Real Madrid should have the best players in the world playing the most beautiful football! The Real Madrid game should always be elegant and artistic, and the presence is full of attack and desire to win, which makes people suffocate and attack and defeat all opponents in front of us!
Listen, florentino’s slightly fanatical and arrogant declaration, Zhuang Ge, didn’t get angry because he felt that the scene before him was a bit familiar.
By the way, he really looks like he was planning to buy Inter Milan from pellegrini and control Massimo Moratti six years ago, even though he disobeyed his father’s instructions to stay at home!
(Note that Massimo Moratti’s father Angelo Moratti, the founder of the great international era, sold the shares of the Nerazzurri at the peak of Inter Milan in 1996 and left the family motto Don’t show your face again)
However, although florentino is an avid fan of Real Madrid and willing to do his best, he is still a businessman in essence, introducing a large number of famous stars to Real Madrid, and at the same time, florentino can still make this Spanish giant maintain amazing profits, which is qualitatively different from the fan chairman of Mo Da Lao Ban.
For Moratti, if it is possible for Inter Milan to regain the glory of the great international era, then he will recruit bigname stars and coaches at all costs, and he will never consider doing so and bringing financial burden to the club. Moratti’s unrequited action can be said to be his love for Inter Milan, but it also makes him control Inter Milan, which has a great reputation in the world, but at the same time it is in a state of serious losses year after year. This situation forces the boss to invest huge sums of money in the transfer market every year and to fill the club’s financial black hole with his own pocket.
Florentino, on the other hand, paid great attention to market distribution and club brand image in the first period of Galaxy Battleship. Although he played superstar cards like Moratti, he brought bigname stars such as Figo, Zida, Ronaldo and Beckham to Real Madrid, and at the same time made this La Liga giant become the richest club in the world from the debt of Sans era!
Don’t look at it. In the late Galaxy battleship era, Real Madrid’s dream in the Champions League was suppressed by its bitter rival Barcelona, but when it comes to attracting money and profitability, there is no club comparable to Real Madrid at the same time!
What is the most important thing for a club? Of course, it is its sustainable development ability, that is, profitability! No matter how good the results are, if a team’s financial income can’t support its daily sales, they will follow the footsteps of Leeds United and Lazio sooner or later! At this point, florentino is much better than other club managers of his time!
(Note: Leeds United used to be a powerful player in English football, but at the beginning of the 21st century, it made a name for itself by introducing stars such as Dinande with the golden dollar strategy and successfully reaching the semifinals of the Champions League in the 12th season. However, it was soon forced to sell a large number of main players at low prices due to insolvency, and finally it ended up in a tragic scene where the Premier League was relegated and the club almost went bankrupt. Lazio fell into a serious financial crisis after cragnotti’s high investment didn’t get a corresponding return. If Lotito didn’t come forward and the government helped, it would not be much better to wait for the end of the Biancocelesti than it was in Florence two years ago.
After all, there are only a handful of bosses who are willing to spend a lot of money and lose money. Most teams are responsible for their own profits and losses.
Just as Zhuang Ge was thinking about the similarities between florentino and Moratti, and at different times, the halftime match between Real Madrid and Fiorentina had ended at frisk whistle, Viola led the home team by a score of vieri for the time being.
Seeing that the game entered the intermission stage, he was tortured by the cowardly performance of Real Madrid players (florentino’s personal perspective) for nearly 20 minutes. florentino couldn’t sit still any longer. He got up and said goodbye to Zhuang Ge. Obviously, the fine businessman has reached his own conclusion about this game, recognizing that it is difficult for the White Legion to maintain its home advantage in front of Florence at the end of the game.
Therefore, in order to avoid making any gaffes in front of Zhuang Ge, it is also for the spa会所 sake of one’s own mood, but also to avoid being rumored by a willing heart that is not conducive to him. At this time, florentino decisively chose to leave the Bernabeu Stadium under the cover of a group of cronies.
On the other hand, if florentino is successfully elected as the president of Real Madrid in the future, no matter how bad the team’s performance is, he will never make a move to leave in front of outsidersafter all, it is quite demeaning for the club president to leave in front of his peers, which will also leave the other side with a narrow mind and can’t afford to lose a bad impression, which will have a very adverse impact on the club image.
After a 15minute break, the game resumed. Bosco obviously learned from the halftime experience and made the team strengthen its offensive strength after the halftime. Of course, the unfavorable situation of falling behind by one goal was also the main reason for him to take this change. If the leading side is Real Madrid now, the firefighting coach will definitely let the team strengthen its defense and then wait for the opportunity to fight Florence through several fast horses on the side.
Despite stepping up the offensive and quickening the pace of the game, Real Madrid pulled back a city by their Wang Dianlao in the 67th minute of the game, but the goal of Real Madrid Golden Boy failed to pull Florence back to the same starting line.
Because just ten minutes before the goal, Shevchenko played a joint venture and suddenly started in the middle of the stadium. After passing salgado, helguera and karanka in succession, the Ukrainian sent the ball into the gate guarded by casillas to help Florence further expand its lead!
Shevchenko’s solo ride obviously hit the G spot of Real Madrid fans. After witnessing the wonderful personal performance of Ukrainian nuclear warheads, nearly 10,000 Real Madrid fans reported their warm applause to Shevchenko!

Segmented reading 72

This game has just resumed training, and Lu Wenbin didn’t get the starting opportunity to sit on the bench and watch the performance of his teammates.
Ofenbacha has been relegated successfully in the first round, but now it is expected to be upgraded and relegated, and there are not many home fans in the stands. It is reasonable to say that it is very easy to play
But perhaps because Hoffenheim didn’t have Lu Wenbin’s urgent need to win the championship, Hoffenheim’s players were a little slack.
Hoffenheim didn’t score a goal in the whole half, and even created a few chances 桑拿网 to shoot. He was also dropped by substitute strikers Parjic, Dembaba and Weislang.
Of course, the desire for Offenbach did not score, and the two sides entered the half with the score.
At half time, what worried Lu Wenbin the most happened was that Offenbach scored a lucky refraction ball in the 6th minute.
Offenbach shoots Hoffenheim defender Campel, and there is a refraction in his body. Goalkeeper Hasnenkney watched the ball fly into the net from the opposite direction of his save.
Hoffenheim lost 1 away to Offenbach.
As soon as Lu Wenbin got up from the bench, he put his hands on his head and looked worried and eager to get off the bench.
Ralph looked at Lu Wenbin and made a decision in his heart.
He also wants to win.
After all, the Bundesliga champion is also a champion. If you have the opportunity to win the championship, you must give up.
Besides, it also involves the boss’s promise that there are two games left in the prize money, so he has to fight for it.
Since the team doctor said that Lu Wenbin’s injury has healed, playing on the bench for more than ten minutes in this game should be nothing left but luck.
So Ralph said to Lu Wenbin, Lu goes to warm up.
Wen-bin Lu in the mind a pleased mercilessly nodded, took off his coat and warmed up on the sidelines.
The situation has not changed. Hoffenheim is still 1 behind to Offenbach.
In the 75th minute, Ralph called Lu Wenbin back and asked the fourth official to play the substitution card. No.9 Lu Wenbin changed to No.17 Weiss.
Weiss was unwilling to leave the game as a matter of routine, and returned to the bench with a gentle slap from Lu Wenbin. Weiss was one of the few teammates on the team who were not very good with Lu Wenbin.
Lu Wenbin also can not consider of him.
Wei Si rushed to Lu Wenbin after a game and shouted to his teammates as he ran, Let’s shake up and run to win the game.
Lu Wenbin’s leader’s aura is really too big. He simply shouted that his teammates’ energy changed, and Ralph and assistant coaches on the sidelines were amazed.
Of course, Lu Wenbin’s propaganda made the opponent Offenbach players quite angry.
Everyone thought, It’s been 75 minutes, and you’ve been yelling to win since you got here. This is to reverse us in the last ten minutes. Are you still paying attention to us?
Therefore, the players of Offenbach also came to the spirit and vowed to stop the goal of Lu Wenbin.
Don’t say that Offenbach really achieved this goal.
Although Lu Wenbin’s ball running and shooting attributes have far exceeded the level of B-League, he has just been injured and had a low-intensity recovery training before, so the game was not well played on the spot.
After a while, Lu Wenbin received a ball from Copado in the penalty area.
But he turned and hit the door, but the defender beside him interfered and missed the post.
After a few minutes, he shot again, although he flew to the corner of the goal, but his softness was confiscated when the goalkeeper arrived.
The situation of delivering artillery shells to Lu Wenbin in the team, he got two chances to hit the door in one minute, but failed to score a goal.
This Lu Wenbin is rare, and his heart is a little anxious.
At this time, Salihovic ran to Lu Wenbin and whispered to him, Don’t be impatient, Lu. If you still have a chance, how about giving it to Denba?
Lu Wenbin frowned, and Deng Baba was also bad. Deng Baba was squeezed by Lu Wenbin, and he always had a bad face for Lu Wenbin.
However, after winning the championship, Lu Wenbin decided to let Demba go. He felt bad about the ball today, so he might as well make a ball for Demba.

Qiao Chengyan intimacy hug DuGuJue neck laughed.

Du Gujue scraped Qiao Shengyan’s small nose. It’s getting late. It’s time for bed!
Qiao Shengyan nodded and closed her eyes. Suddenly she asked, Haven’t you heard from Jue Qiao Linger?
DuGuJue face a stiff smile, he said, don’t worry, I won’t let her hurt you with me! And our baby will protect you!
Qiao Chengyan thought of the baby against Qiao Linger that instant heart suddenly softened.
She believes that her child is not a magic fetus but a good baby who can protect her mother!

In a dark ancient tomb, a bronze coffin full of mystery and fear gave a creepy roar, and soon the bronze coffin shook and made a terrible noise, and a black mist emanated from the coffin.
Dugujue Judy, I will kill you! The black fog gradually turned into a human form, which was revealed by Judy just before. Yi, his voice was full of resentment and pain.
How much you hate, how much energy you have! Not far from the altar in front of the woman in red costume, her hands are raised high, and a steady stream of black gas is transferred from the woman’s body to Ayi’s body. I gave you a new life. From now on, you must follow me!
Ayi knelt down and said, It’s my master!
Qiao Linger hook lip a smile again half a month is a full moon night when the time comes, and when the magic fetus is born, it is even more when the magic fetus Qiao Chengyan’s strength is the weakest. When the time comes, it is necessary to protect two people and add Pluto to leave, so it will not be enough. That time is our best chance! At that time, I will replace Qiao Shengyan for a new life!
Qiao Linger raised his hands. Qiao’s exorcism bloodline plus the demon mother and the Millennium zombie wife are the only ones in the world!
Auntie knelt down and generate’s eyes shone red and frightening. We must help the master achieve what he wants!
Joe shine nodded.

Qiao Shengyan actually began to have nightmares again, but this dream was different. She always dreamed that her stomach was flat and she was afraid to look for her children 品茶 everywhere, but she couldn’t find them anywhere.
Baby baby, where are you? Qiao Chengyan kept searching in the white fog. Suddenly, she saw an old man in front of her. She looked at the back and felt so familiar with her. When the old man turned around, she froze.
It turned out to be Qiao Tianshi!
Old … ancestors? Qiao Chengyan blinked. Although she didn’t really pay Qiao Tianshi, she was no stranger in her dream.
Qiao Tianshi didn’t speak is looking at Qiao Chengyan faint with a sigh.
Ancestor, did you come to my dream to have something to say to me? Qiao Chengyan respectfully asked
Qiao Tianshi didn’t speak, but pointed to Qiao Chengyan belly and then pointed to the sky.
Qiao Chengyan touched her belly, and she was about to ask something when the fog cleared to reveal a blood moon.
The blood moon is now a demon! I don’t know Qiao Chengyan mind suddenly bursts with such a sentence.
Qiao Chengyan also wants to ask what suddenly saw Qiao Tianshi’s figure slowly disappearing into the dense fog.
Ancestors, ancestors! Qiao Chengyan chased him away but suddenly fell off the cliff.
ah! Qiao Chengyan woke up covered in cold sweat.
What’s the matter? Du Gujue quickly picked up Qiao Shengyan. Did you have a nightmare?
Qiao Chengyan nodded. She looked at the window. Tonight, some people have reached 30 degrees during the day. When they sleep late, Qiao Chengyan opened the French window a little. Now Qiao Chengyan saw a crescent moon in the horizon through the gap in the French window.
She remembers seeing the blood moon in her dream as a full moon. What does it mean?
Dreaming about what? Du Gujue asked Qiao Chengyan in a low voice, and his expression worried him a little.
I dreamed of Qiao Tianshi! Qiao Shengyan said in a low voice, She showed me the blood moon!
DuGuJue zheng blood moon?
It’s horrible to be red and bloody! Qiao Chengyan low said
When Du Gujue’s eyes became tight, the night he became a zombie was also a blood moon. A few months ago, there was a blood moon. On that night, Qiao Shengyan was attacked and it was later confirmed that there was a blood moon. Is there going to be a blood moon again?
Jue, I just dreamed that my belly was gone and our baby was gone! Qiao Chengyan intuition caressed the little guy in the round belly and kicked her belly as if he felt her heart.
Du Gujue suddenly thought of something. He got up and looked at his mobile phone. Today is the first day of junior high school. Qiao Shengyan’s wedding is scheduled to be 165 and the moon is 16 yuan this month. That means the blood moon may appear on the 16th and Qiao Shengyan is likely to give birth!
I’m afraid something big will happen that day!
What do you think? Qiao Shengyan couldn’t help squeezing Du Gujue’s hand. Is there something wrong with our baby?
Du Gujue turned around and hugged Qiao Shengyan. Don’t think about it!
Qiao Shengyan gently caressed her bulging belly. I don’t know when the baby will be born. Maybe it’s because the baby suddenly grew so big recently. I’m a little worried!
Dugu Jue kissed Qiao Shengyan’s earlobe. Don’t think about it. It’s getting late. Go to sleep!
Qiao Chengyan nodded and hugged the man’s bee waist and put his face on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
Your heart is still given to you by Qiao Linger! Qiao Chengyan suddenly low said
DuGuJue intuition touched the heart special temptation.
The man is not Joe shine? But what has Qiao Linger’s appearance? Qiao Chengyan said in a low voice
These are not things you should think about. Just take care of yourself! Du Gujue didn’t want Qiao Shengyan to think too much. He patted Qiao Shengyan on the back like a child. I’ll find out!
Qiao Shengyan nodded and fell asleep slowly in the care of DuGuJue.
On the second day, Dugu Juenong frowned in the fourperson villa.
Do you think Qiao Shengyan may have a full moon when she gives birth to that child? Wu mei asked before
Du Gujue nodded. If what I expected is correct!
Qiao Shengyan must be very weak when the baby is born, and you have to take care of two people … Wu Mei nodded. It must be. It is really a good opportunity for that person!

When the Inter Milan players stepped on the pitch, they already knew the result of the match between Lazio and Genoa.

Lazio beat each other 4 times at home.
This result is not unexpected. Genoa poses a threat to Lazio.
But they still feel the pressure.
Mourinho probably didn’t want to play his own team, but he was drawn away by Atlanta.
Because the forces of both sides can’t finish a horizontal line
As a result, when this result appeared, he was somewhat unacceptable.
He didn’t attend the press conference after the game, but his assistant took his place.
This shows how unhappy he is with this result.
The Atlanta League drew Lazio in the first round, then drew Inter Milan, and they remained unbeaten against the top two teams, which really surprised many people …
When Atlanta drew Lazio, many Lazio fans cursed Atlanta.
Now that they have tied Inter Milan and Lazio fans are cursing and cheering.
Enthusiastic Lazio fans went to the message board of the official website of Atlanta Club to post a message thanking Atlanta.
This scene looks really funny.
Lazio is five points ahead of Inter Milan when the winter break is coming. This score has already made them win the winter break championship in the previous round. Before the winter break, there will be another round of league matches between Lazio and Inter Milan. If Inter Milan is not tied by Atlanta, they will still have a chance to beat their opponents at home and win the winter break championshipof course, before the big win.
But now this level makes this theoretical opportunity gone.
Five points away, this winter break champion must be Lazio.
This winter break champion can be said to be a weather vane for winning the Serie A. Since the division was abolished in the 19291993 season, 51 of the 77 winter break champions have laughed at the end. In other words, more than 65% of the winter break champions will become the final Serie A champions. This is not a low probability. Teams that have won the winter break champions in the past five years can embroider Serie A small shields on their chests. This is on behalf of the Serie A champions.
Lazio has occupied three seasons and Juventus has twice 3.
However, even if there are so many historical laws, Lazio’s win of the winter championship this time has become somewhat insignificant. It is impossible to win the winter championship for four consecutive seasons. Italians have also begun to feel tired of aesthetics. From the beginning of this season, despite the pursuit of Mourinho Inter Milan, many people have believed that it is not uncommon for Lazio to win the league championship, but it is a myth not to win the championship in the winter break.
Some Italian media have already been desperate about Inter Milan and Serie A. The actual Serie A suspense has been killed. It seems that Mourinho Inter Milan is still a little worried, but there is no obstacle to the path of the Blue Eagle to five consecutive championships. Corriere dello Sport commentedChangsheng thinks they have won three consecutive championships, but everyone thinks they are four consecutive championships.
Before the game against Inter Milan, these articles touting Lazio appeared, which did not make Chang Sheng happy, but also worried him.
He didn’t believe Mourinho would give up so easily.
Five 夜生活网 points ahead, not fifty …
If Inter Milan can beat Lazio at home, it will narrow the gap with Lazio to two points.
The winners dare not speak out of turn about winning, champions and the like.
Actually, it is quite interesting for him to be an opponent like Mourinho in the middle of the league. When AC Milan, Juventus and Rome are weak, having a Mourinho Inter Milan makes his Serie A coaching career full of fun.
Otherwise, the league title will come too easily, and maybe it will not be cherished.
There is an Italian Cup match between Lazio and Livorno in midweek.
When his team started the Italian Cup in June, it was special to be the league champion. Their first Italian Cup was usually in December.
In this way, at least for nearly half a season, Lazio will not consider the Italian Cup and concentrate on playing the League and the Champions League.
He often beat a group of youth teams and substitutes against Livorno, and he chose to keep his strength.
Obviously, the best weapon is against Mourinho Inter Milan.
Before the Lazio game, Inter Milan seemed a little crazy, which made everyone around him a little afraid of him.
Of course, no one will blame him, because everyone knows why.
Mourinho came to Mei Acha with the mission of Inter Milan breaking Lazio monopoly and winning the championship.
He led Inter Milan in high spirits, but he lost to Lazio and lost the league title.
At the end of the season, Mourinho was still stubborn. My team always performed better in the second season than in the first season.
Well, at that time, he could still find an excuse.
This is the second season, and there are no more excuses.
If he lose that league title to Lazio again, I’m afraid he is to blame.
After coming to everyone’s door, Inter Milan ended the tenyear league championship drought.
I didn’t expect a Lazio to pop up …
Mancini failed to achieve more fame, higher level and more arrogance than Mancini. Here comes Mourinho.
Everyone hoped for him, but they didn’t expect him to break Lazio’s monopoly in the same way …
His progress may be that it was not so easy for Lazio to win Inter Milan …
But what’s the matter!
Mourinho gave himself an ultimatum this season and he must win!
Or you have to fuck off.
Fuck off, Mourinho is not afraid.
But leaving as a loser and leaving as a winner are different concepts.
Mourinho wants to be a winner even if he wants to leave Inter Milan.
Mourinho is under great pressure now.
Usually it’s okay. If he confronts Lazio directly, he will look a little crazy.
If he can beat Lazio in direct talks, his team will lose Lazio two points …
What a temptation!
Moreover, this is home, and if you can’t win this game, it will be even harder to play when you go away for half a season.
The good news is that Lazio will play an Italian Cup, which will affect their performance to some extent.
Inter Milan, on the other hand, has a week to rest and prepare for the war.
Wait and work …
There is still a chance!
It is not difficult to win the Italian Cup with Livorno. Lazio reserves beat their opponents 3 at home and advanced to the Italian Cup.
But everyone’s mind is not on the Italian Cup but on the League …
You don’t need to win constantly, players. Everyone knows how important it is to play against Inter Milan.
In recent years, Lazio champion Ski has been entangled with Inter Milan.
Lazio’s opponents in the league title are Inter Milan, who are very familiar with Inter Milan.